50 Days Abroad (and how we’re holding up)

While 50 days on the international road might seem like a weird benchmark, living out of a suitcase, navigating an entirely new language, understanding new cultures, and tackling a whole new world of bureaucratic endeavors, is leaving us feeling accomplished. So yes, instead of celebrating our 2 months on the road, we’re cheersing to ourselves for 50 days as an early holiday present. But are we adjusting, are we any different, and are we still as optimistic as we were when standing in the PHX airport getting ready to depart to Oaxaca? Well, let me explain.

Are We Adjusting?

Yes, for starters. Like toddlers who seemingly learn how to crawl, walk, run, and repeat the inevitable curse word in quick succession, we are learning something new every day. There is no amount of blog reading, YouTube watching, or Facebook stalking that will prepare you for life on the road. Everyone handles it differently.

Some examples you ask, sure, that’s why we’re writing this thing. Living out of our oversized suitcases has been a drag. Since we are effectively moving to Argentina for a year, we packed more than almost every other international traveler, and it shows. Taxi drivers give us odd stares as we jam a 50lb duffel bag into the front seat with a nervous smile, hostel hosts grimace as we drag 5 bags across town and up spiral staircases fit for children, and the occasional guest will kindly hide their chuckles behind their masks (we can tell by the eyes folks, you’re not fooling us). And yes, you read that right, 5 bags for the two of us; two 50lb duffel bags, two backpacks stuffed with everything too important to leave to chance in the underbelly of a plain, and an extra backpack for all the overweight shoes and jackets to avoid paying overweight fees. And that extra bag only works sometimes, because, weight limits can change by country and airline, fun!

More examples you beg, fine by me. Food can be tough. Jerica is a pesca-vegetarian while I’ll eat anything that’s in front of me. But believe me, eating at restaurants almost every meal can get tiring, and put a toll on your stomach and wallet. Restaurant food almost always has more butter or oil, and it’s truly a gamble. For instance, we keep trying to break away from South American cuisine every couple of days, and each time we have tried sushi, we are met with a menu that features more cream cheese than tuna, not what we’re used to.

But I swear to you, God, and my mother, that this truly isn’t a complaint. This is simply a reminder that we have left many comforts that we took for granted at home and are still adjusting to this new lifestyle. While we only have a couple weeks left of living out 5 bags, we know that we will be back living out of a suitcase within another year, and that excites us just the same. The food for both of us is such a highlight and a privilege that we enjoy every day! Don’t believe me, go check out some of our cooking videos on Instagram and TikTok! All we’re trying to say is that, after 50 days, we’re still not experts, we’re still adjusting into this life, but we’re getting a whole lot better at it.

Are We Any Different?

Sure, why not. We’re definitely happier. Not to brag, but not having a normal 9-5 job is quite incredible. Will we be able to hold out forever, who knows? But the hype is real, if you’re able to live a bit freer in the future by saving up or working remotely, we remain steadfast in that suggestion. For instance, today we woke up, late, went on a Pablo Escobar tour, got a sushi lunch, and by 3pm we sat down to work in our hostel lounge as the rain pattered away for a couple of hours. Though it’s now past 5pm, and many of you are hopefully done with the day, I’m still typing away. But that’s ok with us because at 7pm we’re headed for a quick dinner before catching one of the few English showings of the new Spider-Man movie at 9pm. We’re not worried about getting home past midnight, because we can make tomorrow work for us however we need, it’s quite awesome. (Again, this is not to brag, this is mostly to convince some of you to join in our adventures or take up your own!)

Despite our shallow complaints, we are also better travelers. We have better routines and rhythms when traveling to new places. We know to plan on having local currency and sim cards, understanding hostel check-in requirements, and making sure everything is charged. No doubt, many of you do this, and you only need to make this mistake once before adding it to your routine, but that’s exactly the point. We are constantly making new mistakes and learning from our fellow travelers (check out Jerica’s article about getting Yellow Fever vaccines in Colombia, here). So, if anything, this is our #1 reason for you to follow our journey and subscribe to our social media pages. We hope to show you what we learn and have a little fun along the way!

Are We Still Optimistic?

Yes, but that could always change. We’re grounded enough to know that circumstances can always change, attitudes can shift, and this lifestyle could wear on us. But this does not make us any less excited about the future. Now more than ever, the future is truly in our hands. In the short term, we have no plans for tomorrow. We’re considering the botanical gardens or the interactive science museum, but that really depends on when we wake up, what the weather’s like, and what mood we’re in. In the long-term, it means that our plans could change drastically. Our world tour could change directions, lengths, or even participants (again, if we can form a small cult or band of misfits to help cut costs and bring the party wherever we go, why not join us?!).

In all seriousness, we are wildly optimistic about our travels and incredibly humble in our abilities. We have to remind ourselves almost every day we’re doing this to have fun, and sometimes that can easily be forgotten. And that’s our advice, do what is fun for you. If you’re the traveler that can handle new sites and attractions each day, great, do that! If you’re the traveler that wants to explore the best cozy spots to pick up a book in each city visit, fantastic, do that! However, you’re traveling, just make sure you’re doing what is fun for you.

What’s Next?

Well, if you read the previous 1000 words, you know that’s entirely up in the air. We post every day on TikTok and Instagram, write new articles every week, and post a new YouTube video each week as well. We are slowly learning to navigate this world with grace and efficiency. We hope that we can inspire you, teach you, make you laugh, or simply answer the question of “Hey, what are Dan & Jerica up to?”. Follow along, and we hope to see you out there soon.

3 thoughts on “50 Days Abroad (and how we’re holding up)”

  1. Felecia Rozansky

    Not having a set time to wake up sounds amazing!!!! Too bad you don’t have a duffel bag with wheels!

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